Steel and Wood

“It is easier to describe Davy’s work than to account for its extraordinary effect. Objects prototypically consist of a few lengths of rusty-looking metal joined in spare upright-and-angle frameworks. Apexes of angles are topped by short, stumpy lengths of log, sometimes fire-scorched, ocasionally replaced by stones.
The monumental “Rolling Fork” takes up a whole gallery with just three big angles and logs. It’s overt formalism immediately gives way to a rich series of associations. It looks like a medieval battering ram or three doomed dinosaurs marching into a quagmire. The logs are disembodied cerebral cortices inventing pure philosophy and mathematics.
Every work evakes a variation on this almost alchemical mixture of pure formalism and subliminal evocation of imagery and sensation. Five little maquettes in a row suggest everything from a Shinto shrine to the prehistoric postures of the Pilobolus dance troupe.
Davy seems to have hit upon a basic lexicon on materials and procedure that permits virtually inexhaustible expressive extension. He is certainly among the most important half-dozen artists developed here in the ‘70s.”

- William Wilson, art critic
Los Angeles Times, Sept. 1981

© Woods Davy, 2010