
“Davy’s pieces invite touch and participation both perceptually and physically. Davy implies a lot of physical participation when he does long walkways and logs. One immediately thinks kinesthetically what it would be like to get up there and try to balance and walk along those walkways. Perceptual participation, the third element in a lot of his current work, involves a physical delineation on the floor but without real substance. He’s marked an outline that would be a kind of isometric projection. If you fold it over, which one can’t literally do, you begin to fold and transfer outlines of the steel form to the plane of the floor. Certain patterns emerge; it’s very simply marked out. The minute you look at the lines, you start trying to go through the geometry of making the projection that he’s given us. It’s an interesting, logical puzzle set against the completely illogical and humdrum log stuck on top of this careful piece of geometry. It has one thing in common with a kind of deadpan, dry wit that’s part of some of the art in Southern California.”

- Walter Hopps
from catalog essay "6 L.A. Sculptors", 1980

© Woods Davy, 2010